10 Ways To Spruce Up Your Beauty Routine


Everyone loves to get pampered. Getting a little extra TLC is exactly what we need to feel 110% ready for the big day. And heck - even if you aren’t the bride, we all need a little extra time to pamper and primp.

My friends - I’m sharing TEN of my favorite ways to get bridal ready for your wedding day that will spruce up your mind, soul and body for your big day!

1) Go get them nails done!

I always say that no matter what, if your nails are done you will look like a million bucks! So matter if your hair is in a messy bun, or you’re wearing yesterday’s mascara, if your little fingers are polished you look like the Queen.

2) Start a waxing routine.

Okay, okay I get it, no one actually likes getting hair pulled straight out of their skin, but hear me out on this - the more you get waxed the less it hurts. And honestly, instead of waxing, go try out sugaring! It’s my fave way to feel silky and smooth and (in my opinion) hurts wayyyy less than normal waxing. One of my favorite places to go is Bronzed Bunny in Austin, Texas. The staff is great and makes the process so much smoother - tell them that Kara sent you!

3) Invest in some great skin care options.

Start to treat your skin with natural cleansers, facemasks and toners to keep your skin free of blemishes and harsh chemicals. Some of my favorite products are the “Don’t Look At Me!” and “Oatfix” mask from LUSH. They make your skin soft, smooth and radiant! Who wouldn’t want that for their big day?

4) Get some massages.

Relieve your stressed out muscles by getting them rolled and pushed out by a professional masseuse. Nothing screams, “I’m relaxed!!!!” more than being in a super zen state of mind as your muscles unclench while breathing in eucalyptus and lavender essential oils… hmm I’m starting to convince myself to go get one right now!

5) Stretch!

Don’t let that massage go to waste - keep your muscles loose by stretching before you go to bed and before you start your day. Just 5 minutes a day can help blood circulation and start you off on the right note. You’ll start to notice how flexible you are becoming which might help you out on your wedding night… ;)

6) Get Your Body Moving.

Whether it’s Barre classes, yoga, Crossfit or going for a run every day, we should always stay active. You’ll not only be toned, tanned, fit and ready for your wedding day, but you’ll feel confident in your dress and not have a fiasco like I did a couple of weeks before my wedding day.

7) Meditate.

Whether it’s on an app, from a Bible reading plan or a Youtube video, taking time to breathe and relax your mind is one of the most important things you can do to prep yourself for a big event. Detoxing your brain and focusing on your breathing and rhythm of your body allows you to understand your stress levels, address them and breathe through them. You’ll leave feeling rejuvenated even if you only meditate for 5 minutes a day!

8) Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate.

If you are wanting a spray tan for your big event the BEST thing you can do is exfoliate every inch of your body to make sure that no dead skin will peel your just-sprayed tan off, leaving your splotchy and unsatisfied with your tan! In the tradition of keeping our products natural, I highly recommend LUSH’s Sugar Plum Fairy body scrub - the rich plum scents and hints of orange will leave you smoother than a baby’s bottom.

9) Eat Well.

Watching your food intake a couple weeks before your big event will help prevent bloating, blemishes and more. While I’m all about eating a Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit from Whataburger, I try to eliminate foods that would make me feel sluggish the weeks leading up to a big event. Start snacking on good, healthy food that will improve your mood, your skin and your bowels. (Yes. I went there - I’m talking about your poop cycle.)

10) SLEEP.

My personal favorite thing to do to make sure my dark circles go away and that I stay 100% WOKE during weddings is getting my 8 (or 10…) hours of sleep the night before. Make sure that you are feeling refreshed when you wake up because wedding jitters are REAL and you want to make sure you can get some shut-eye in the night before the big day. Start tracking your sleep cycle so you know when your body responds best to waking up and when it needs to go to bed in order to stay refreshed and fueled. My fave app is on my AppleWatch and it tracks my REM cycles!

Well pals, I hope even if you just take one of these items and add them to your beauty routine you will feel not just beautiful, but relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on your big day!!!

Did I leave out something that you love to do to spruce up your beauty routine? Share with me!

