The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Wedding Guests

You may have heard it said: the marriage is for you, the wedding is for everyone else. So, why bother doing more for your guests than providing them an awesome party to celebrate you and your boo, right? Though that can feel SO true, oftentimes guests can feel overwhelmed by the logistics and travel surrounding weddings. 

Therefore, one of the best things you can provide your guests with is a hotel block! Make your day shine by reserving a block of rooms at a nearby or recommended hotel of your choosing by calling the hotel directly or by using our complimentary travel services. All you need to know is…


  1. How many nights you anticipate guests staying

  2. The preferred price range per night

  3. The preferred location of the hotel of your choice

Give guests the comfort of traveling by taking care of the hotel logistics

Give guests the comfort of traveling by taking care of the hotel logistics

We personally recommend starting with a room block of 10. But often, upon request, hotels will offer you a courtesy block of 10-15 rooms, meaning you’re not held liable for the rooms that don’t end up getting booked (WHOOP WHOOP).  All you’ve gotta do is ask! An added bonus: Some hotels offer shuttle services for guests to and from your venue, saving you on any additional travel services and giving your guests, and you, peace of mind. 

From our experience, hotel blocks are the most convenient for traveling guests who are unfamiliar with the area and family. By reserving a block and posting it to your website, you’re at minimum giving guests the comfort of a pin on a map. 

Letting guests know these accommodation plans alongside any formal or recommended wedding weekend activities on your wedding website or wedding invitation, allows guests to feel comfortable celebrating freely while making you look like the flawless party-thrower that you are! 

Want to make moves on your hotel block? Schedule a travel consultation with Weddings By Weaver!